Balanced Living

Balanced Living

by | Aug 21, 2020 | Healthy Living, Mental Health | 0 comments

Written by Kristi Jensen

August 21, 2020

yoga muslim woman

Balanced Living

  • Doctors

When it comes to diseases, prevention is truly better than cure. Especially nowadays when medical expenses are on the rise. And there are natural ways that you can easily adopt into your lifestyle that will help you prevent diseases and protect your health. These natural Doctors are still making house calls and can visit your house if you invite them in. 

Click here to receive a FREE booklet about eight natural remedies that can help you prevent diseases.


  • Depression

Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. An estimated 19 million Americans struggle depression. Bur depression does not have to be or feel like the end of the story. Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill battled depression and rose above the circumstances.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet that can help you battle depression.


  • Mind and Health

Do you know that the state of your mind plays a big role in your health? Science confirms the link between mind set and disease. A positive mind set is as important to good health as better-known factors such as diet and exercise.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet that explains how mind health help improves body health.


  • Who Can I Trust

We are living in times of increased stress and economic uncertainty. Betrayals and failed relationships cause a loss of trust. “Trust” is defined as confidence or calm reliance in the ability, strength or dependability of someone or something. Trust, optimism and freedom are valuable physical and mental health benefits.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet to help you learn who you can truly trust.


  • Better Immunity

Is your immunity system strong enough to make you healthier? If not, do you know what do you need to do to improve your immunity systems? Immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion that can affect your health negatively.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet to learn how you can improve your health.


  • Healthy in a Hurry?

We are living in a very fast paced world. Getting quick fixes, driving on fast lanes, doing speed reading, opting for the express checkout and eating fast food. In this busy bustle of life, something’s got to give, but that shouldn’t be your health. The good news is, it is possible to enjoy healthy meals and achieve better health in spite of our crazy-busy schedules?

Click here to receive a FREE booklet to learn how you can still be healthy and still in a hurry.


  • Exercise

Some people exercise to lose weight, others exercise to keep fit, but did you know that exercise is one of the best things you can do to lower the risk of some diseases. Regular exercises can also help boost self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy, as well as reducing your risk of stress, depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet on how you can exercise to improve your health.


  • Is Alcohol Good for You?

About one in five people who use alcohol for social or recreational purposes eventually become alcohol-dependent for part of their lives. In the United States, about 30% of those who drink alcohol do so excessively, and excessive drinking is the third leading direct cause of death in the US. In many parts of the world, alcoholic beverages are legal, socially accepted and relatively inexpensive – but they are not harmless.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet on how alcohol affects your health.


  • Friends – Who Needs Them?

Have you ever felt lonely? Have you ever felt the need of a friend – a person who will not only share your joys but also lend a listening ear or a helping hand when problems come your way? A friend, a good friend, is a person who cares for you and about you. We are social beings, we do not do well alone, and we need each other.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet on how to select and make friends.


  • The Attitude Factor

Do you think your attitude matters? Do you think your attitude affect your health in any way? Simply put, an attitude is a manner of thinking, feeling, or behaving that reflects a state of mind. So a good attitude can improve your health and vice-versa.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet develop and maintain a positive mindset


  • Veggie or non-Veg

Many people nowadays are suffering from a great burden of health challenges that are rooted mainly on lifestyle. Almost 70% of chronic diseases and ailments – including a third of all cancers – are related to diet. But the good news is, the journey towards improved health, energy, mood and weight may be as close as your garden – or your local produce department.

Click here to receive a FREE booklet on the benefits of and how you can get started delicious vegetarian diet.



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